With this, we’ve come to the end of the final part of this 5 part series (ended up being 6 vlogs because I could not stop writing about the flavors …
istanbul turkey
Sense IV – Sounds of Istanbul
Speaking of the sounds of Istanbul, the first sound I heard was the Turkish Language, during the flight. Of course this sound came without the subtitles and I was unable to understand it
Sense III – The Flavors of Istanbul – Part II
I realized after posting the last blog that I have not done enough justice to the flavors of Turkey. Because I remembered many more things that were worth mentioning. Hence part 2 is a continuation of the amazing flavors of Turkey.
Flavors of Istanbul – Sense III
Keeping up with the series of exploring Istanbul through the senses, here we will talk about the flavors of Istanbul.
Smells of Istanbul – Sense II
Every city has its own smell, or so I like to believe. Something of its culture that’s spread out in the air. Something you breathe in and make a part …
Istanbul and the 5 senses – Sense I
The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in Istanbul was the Blue sky, some of you may wonder what’s special about that?