As a happy woman who believes in embracing every adventure with a joyful spirit, I am thrilled to share my ultimate packing list for travel essentials that will make your trips even more memorable and magical.
travel essentials
How to dress comfortably for a long haul flight
Dressing comfortably for a long-haul flight is essential to ensure a more pleasant journey. Here are some tips on how to dress comfortably:
4 Essentials to consider before International Travel
If you are a first-time travel or an infrequent traveler, here is my list of 4 essentials to consider before international travel. This list has been compiled based on personal experience and you’ll read why I feel the need to prioritize these things, and following these through will help you have a better travel experience.
The Search for a Lip Balm
“I am very sensitive to dry skin” This may sound weird to you but if my hands, feet, or lips are dry they really annoy me, and I won’t be able to think of anything else until I can get my hands on a moisturizer. So I keep a moisturizer and lip balm handy at all times. I have a bottle of moisturizer and a few lip balms in my everyday bag. When traveling, it is only natural to add these two items to my list of things to take along with me and I prefer to keep these items in my backpack so that they stay with me throughout the journey. But this is a story of one particular lip balm that became very important to us and so here goes.
Tips To Reduce Travel Anxiety
Travel anxiety begins when the travel date or time dooms nearer, and almost everyone who travels feels some form of anxiety.